Figure 1. Enterprise Templates AP Scans Page
The Enterprise Templates AP Scans page (Fig. 1) allows you to configure AP scanning settings for the selected Enterprise Template. AP scanning will actively scan for available wireless networks in range of your network to assist you in identifying possible security threats for PCI DSS compliance.
Enable AP Scanning
Choose from three options: “On,” “Inherit,” or “Off.”
Choose “Off” to explicitly disable AP scanning for the selected template. Mako devices with this template applied will have AP scanning disabled (subject to template hierarchy).
Choose “Inherit” to inherit AP scanning settings from another template instead of specifying them here.
Figure 2. Enterprise Templates AP Scanning Settings
Choose “On” to explicitly enable AP scanning for the selected template (Fig. 2). Mako devices with this template applied will have AP scanning enabled and will use the configuration shown (subject to template hierarchy).
For certain Mako device models, Wi-Fi users will be disconnected from the AP during an AP scan. Use caution when enabling this feature.
AP Scanning Settings
Choose “Every” to set the number of minutes between each scan.
Choose “Daily” to set the time of day for a daily scan. The time options are 10-minute intervals from 12 AM to 12 PM.
Check the box for “Alert on new APs” to be alerted when a new wireless access point comes online within range of your network.
Check the box for “Alert on changed APs” to be alerted when a wireless access point within range of your network has been changed or edited.
Save Button
Click the “Save AP Scans” button to save these AP scanning settings for the selected template.